Learn about the education systems in the 13 provinces and territories of Canada

Learn about the qualifications frameworks and the particular characteristics of the 13 education systems in Canada.

For internal procedures:
  • Learn about the particular characteristics of the 13 provincial and territorial education systems in Canada, such as:
    • structure of the each education system;
    • types of educational institutions within each classification structure;
    • quality-assurance practices;
    • legal framework, enabling the:
      • operation of educational institutions (e.g., use of the term “university” in its name);
      • delivery of academic programs (e.g., vocational training registration);
      • issuing of specific academic credentials (e.g., authorization to issue degrees through ministerial consent).
  • Learn about the types and levels of academic credentials typically issued within each of the 13 education systems through:
    • their respective qualifications frameworks;
    • visual diagrams that illustrate the various levels found in their respective systems.

Consult additional resources

You may find useful information in other resources, such as:
  1. An overview of education in Canada, with contextual information on:
    1. ministries/departments responsible for education in Canada;
    2. elementary and secondary education systems;
    3. postsecondary education systems;
    4. quality assurance in postsecondary education;
    5. credit transfer and articulation;
    6. academic credentials and qualifications frameworks;
    7. finding an educational institution;
    8. ÉduCanada, Canada's international education brand.
  2. detailed information about each provincial and territorial education system in Canada.

Through CICIC's education portal, up-to-date, detailed information on Canada's education systems is easy to access. For more information, consult the Web sites of the ministries/departments responsible for education in Canada.