Credit transfer and articulation in Prince Edward Island


Prince Edward Island has no systematic province-wide process for conducting university credit transfers. The flexibility and details of credit transfer procedures vary by institution. Credit transfer requests from one university program to another as well as to and from community college programs are reviewed at the program level by faculty, senior program staff, and informal committees. Reviews are conducted on a course-by-course basis and involve negotiations concerning such factors as the content, level, evaluation component, and instructor qualifications for each course.

A number of articulation agreements for joint degree programs and credit exist between the University of Prince Edward Island and Holland College. The quality of these programs is protected through the articulation agreements and the program review process at each institution.

UPEI is also a signatory to a 2009 Atlantic Provinces Community College Consortium (APCCC) /Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU) memorandum of understanding on credit transfer.


In July 2000 the colleges of the four Atlantic Provinces (Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) signed a memorandum of understanding to "maximize the recognition and transfer of learning acquired through formal education, workplace training, and work and life experience." In accordance with this memorandum, member colleges have agreed to transfer credits for all courses to appropriate programs delivered by other members.

Holland College is also is a signatory to the APCCC/AAU (2009) memorandum of understanding on credit transfer.

Program and administrative staff consider credit transfers between Holland College and other Canadian community colleges and universities on a course-by-course basis. Reviews include course content, student evaluation methods, and instructor qualifications.

Comprehensive review of this information: January 2019